Iikka Asimont got excited about graffiti at the beginning of the ‘90s. Along with graffiti, he has done illustrations, graphic design, props and has exhibited through various pseudonyms. What inspires Asimont in street art is the visual edginess, a culture of self-expression separate from the institution, and most of all, the frenzy of doing.
“Sometimes you hear that something is “as easy as riding a bike – when you learn it once, you always know how to do it later.” Is that so?! This phrase is something that is heard in working life a lot. Someone can easily get lost in a mistake in the thought process and believe they can do something because they might have done it before – not giving any thought if they did the thing good or bad. To my ear, this phrase hits badly because I’ve been vibing cycling and bicycles ever since I was a kid. I’ve raced abroad, traveled within Europe by bike, spend hours on parking lots learning tricks, drove a bike through many winters for work, organized events, iced, and breathed cycling. I might relax by taking a bike to pieces and re-build it. So, there is a difference – if you possess some skill or you just wobble ahead.”